Welcome stranger!

My name is José Diogo Viana, but everyone calls me /(Zé|Diogo)/.

I'm a Senior Backend Engineer at Remote. Here, you can find posts about random things I explored either in my free time or discoveries at work.

At night, I'm building Albwer, with a great friend.

Look around the post list or other website pages to know a bit more about what I do: 👨🏼‍💻🍺⚽️

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Developing a keyboard heatmap and customizing keys with Karabiner

Developing a keyboard heatmap and customizing keys with Karabiner
After joining Finiam, I started looking more into how I used my keyboard, and how I could become more efficient with it. So I decided to make a heatmap of my keystrokes using Elixir, and then create aliases or easier configurations for things that I identify as the most used with the help of Karabiner-Elements.
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Quantum computing in the financial world

Quantum computing in the financial world
With Quantum Computing we are in a similar phase as Engineers and Computer Scientists were in the ’40s or ’50s, developing the first classical computers. I don’t believe that quantum computers can fully replace our classical ones, but they surely will have a major role in our lives in the future, and we are just at the beginning.
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Simulations with Elixir and the Actor Model

Simulations with Elixir and the Actor Model
A simulation of a game, weather, aerodynamic behavior, or any other action, has intrinsically the same goal - take a peek into the future and see how things will perform in real life. These simulations all require an extent of calculations and variables to take into account, but also a model that will elegantly run through them. Here we’ll see how to use Elixir and the Actor Model in an example simulation.
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